Sunday, December 17, 2017

Are You Buying This?

Are you 'buying' this?

That the medical establishment are there to help you and make sure that your body is in top health?

That pharmaceutical drugs are designed to cure disease and induce well being?

That the military industrial complex is there to protect and defend you and your ideals from outside invaders?

That the education system is there to provide the basis of knowledge and the ability for life-long learning?

That the industrial food industry is there to provide the nutrients which the body needs to aid in the progression of a healthy life?

That the media is there to provide you with factual information so that you can discern and come to natural, logical conclusions?

That governments are there to effectively manage your country's resources and provide reliable infrastructure for society to live and learn freely?

That laws are there to protect and not to control?

That the banking industry is there to manage a means of exchange which facilitates the exchange of goods and services between individuals?

That the insurance industry is there to help one recover following a disaster or misfortune?

That the United Nations is there to ensure that the peoples of this planet all come to the same level of development and understanding in order to facilitate the advancement of the species?

That the police are there to protect you and your property from those with tendencies towards aberrant behavior?

That social media was created to enhance global communications and social interactions?

That religion is there to spiritually guide you towards a better understanding of your self, the universe and your roll in it?

That technology is created in order to alleviate the mundane tasks and create opportunities and time to reach higher self awareness?

That secrecy is necessary to protect our way of life?

That war is necessary for peace?

That the ability to repeat what you have been taught is intelligence?

That torture is necessary to protect you?

That locking people into cages for growing a plant protects you and your loved ones?

That people are more or less human depending on their skin color or religious beliefs?

That men and women don't have an equal part to play in the evolution of humanity?

That happiness can be attained from something outside our selves?

That security comes in the form of violence?

That you are what you have been led to believe your are?

That anger, hate and retribution are natural states of being?

That control of every aspect of life is necessary to protect freedom?

That information which makes you question the existing zeitgeist are nefarious in nature?

That what is good for the economy is good for society?

That cloud formations make checker board patterns naturally?

That non-ionizing radiation is harmless?

That you are supposed to just love 'the one', forsaking all others?

That everyone has equal opportunity to succeed?

That those which do not 'succeed' are simply lazy?

That those which do not comply deserve to be punished?

That fear is actually prudence?

That the new money will be any different from the old money?

That there is potentially someone around every corner wanting to do you harm?

That YOU are defined by others?

That  the holidays are the time for giving and caring?

That we are just fine the way we are and this is the way it has to be?

I don't know about you but I find all of these things a little 'suspect'.

Here are some thing which I do 'buy':

That humanity's ability to LOVE far EXCEEDS it's hatred.

That our capacity for intelligence far outweighs our collective ignorance.

That true information is FREE to roam the universe.

That being wrong opens the door to learning.

That the moving away from and letting go of long held dogmas need not be a fearful or violent act.

That the disproving of information is far less important than the gaining of knowledge.

That seeing things for what they really are is not negative but rather EMPOWERING.

That WAR begets WAR and nothing else.

That CHANGE is not SCARY but rather EVOLUTIONARY.

That I am the only one which really can define ME.

That HUMANITY is a lot more HUMANE than it lets on.


That FORGIVENESS is divine and must begin with one's SELF.

That LOVE starts with ONE and radiates outwards.

That the time for GIVING and CARING is ALWAYS.

That WE, as a species, are capable of SO MUCH MORE!

Some things I was thinking in the wee hours of the morning as I was watching the sun rise. I am sure that you can come up with a lot more examples but I will leave it there as food for thought.

Enjoy the holidays.

Enjoy your self.

Enjoy each other.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Living On The Outside

Have you seen the different angles which things are 'coming out'? How many 'crises' does humanity need at the same time in order to see the obvious 'shock and awe' tactics being employed?

Have you noticed that it is ALL made to invoke a REACTION?

The wars, immigrants, terrorists, surveillance, shootings, car ramming, false flag, crisis actors, real deaths, environmental disasters, politics, president (Captain Combover - did I 'invoke something there?), pedophiles, A.I., chem trails, Agenda 2030, hate speech, free speech, sexual ambiguity, homelessness, mortgages, economics, jobs, oil, coal, the list goes on ad. nausea. All DESIGNED for us to REACT with indignation, need for vengeance, punishment, insanity, depravity, obedience, callousness, ANGER and so many more. We seem to enjoy punishing those which we deem 'unhealthy' (smokers, non-vaccinated, immigrants) by forcing our will onto them through manipulation and aggression; threats of fines, repossession, incarceration, confiscation, kidnapping and I'm sure you can think of many more.

How many 'rules and regulations' being enacted in multiple countries simultaneously does it take to smell the fascism? This isn't 'the world coming together' this is the slaves being kettled. We are being TOLD who the BOSS is and seem to accept it as NORMAL for we don't want to be PUNISHED.


Because we let it. We buy into the stories of competition and us versus them. We tell ourselves that the 'system' which we have grown in and helped (assumed) to grow cannot possibly be working against its PEOPLE. So every leak of information which may purport to the inadequacies or irrelevance of the current paradigm, which may allude to further questioning of the 'established' consensus is now considered a hack, conspiracy theory or fake news; an external entity with desires to confuse the individual and obfuscate the 'facts' for their own nefarious purposes.

It is far easier to blame and demand retribution than to take an honest look at the monsters society and our 'selves' have become. To believe that someone on the 'inside' may have grown a conscience and leaked information which may damage the 'agenda' is unfathomable. For then we would have to take an HONEST look within ourselves and see that the 'culprit' is truly our ACCEPTANCE and finally realize that the NEWS is indeed FAKE but not from the side we have been led to believe.

Who are we really? Is this why we are here? Why is every 'negative' emotion someone else's fault? Were we denied the importance of learning how to deal with such emotions through 'protection' and sheltering and therefore have never acquired the skills necessary to 'own' said emotion and deal with it introspectively. Discernment of perception is not factored into the equation as that power has been relinquished to whims of external manipulation. Don't let your PERCEPTIONS rule you, for they can be manipulated with far more ease in this age of technological hallucinations then in times prior. Social engineering is not a myth, nor is it a secret, it can go by many names such as the innocuous sounding 'nudging'; after all 'some' people need some nudging in the 'right' direction'. Who determines the DIRECTION?

How does one become an efficient 'social engineer'? Practice, lots and lots of practice along with lots of GADGETS, MONEY and PATIENCE. It's not difficult to see that those which control the money, own the WORLD and that those without just want money. Money has become the catch-all, external gadget which buys security, an assumed happiness; ACQUIESCENCE has been found to be quite COMFORTABLE for many. My question is who SOLD them the world?

No introspection necessary and personal responsibility is no longer a factor except when it is about someone else. As per the programming mentioned above, our reactions are predictable JUDGMENTS and reactions of indignation, anger and as many others as we allow. Some believe that 'two wrongs make a right' as we fight fire with fire, others subscribe to "the devil you know versus the one you don't" either way, you're dancing with the devil.

Some use comparison as justification; comparing this country to that, this 'ism' to that 'ism', this 'leader' to another and so on. I have found, over the years, that a turd with corn or one with nuts is still just a turd. Comparing one's self to others is giving them the power of how YOU look at yourself. Even when one is believing to compare with something perceived as 'lower' they give it away for if there were no 'lower', one would have to deal with themselves rather than justify and elevate their existence through comparison and the tearing down of others. Your POWER starts with YOU.

We give up our power and limit our experiences with phrases like "I can't". If you 'can't' do something someone else will have to do it for you (dependency) for you have already convinced yourself that you are incapable of learning to do it (helplessness). We look for others to give us validation, support and guidance; all the while not doing it OURSELVES for the only GAME we know is to keep BUSY on all the EXTERNAL stuff.

I am as guilty as anyone else of the aforementioned, for I too went through the same kind of programming. I am guilty of trying to put my writing into a box instead of setting it free without the boundaries; to please others and not hurt their feelings or to get 'published'. My EGO is and will always be with me as I navigate this life and learn to live with it instead of for it. This is about external influence versus internal choice and I know which way I am going.

Where do my 'words' come from? Is it from my mind, my heart, the universe, another dimension (am I reaching)? Am I feeling what I write or am I channeling something which needs to be released and if so, am I doing it justice by allowing myself to be motivated by the same external influences which dictates human life on this planet at every level? Do I need to be a 'different' part of the same in order to satisfy? Or do I need to be FREE in order to truly HELP?

We all have the right to speak our mind - just make sure that it is truly your mind you speak. When reacting instead of responding, is it really yours? We can spend the time trying to deconstruct the outside but one may tend to forget that the inside is where it all begins for we can't have a healthy society without healthy people and I'm not just talking nutrition.

The mind, the heart, the me is not just rainbows and good thoughts - it is about everything - the good, the bad and the ugly are all part of the everything; discernment is key as are LOVE, respect, courtesy, consideration and just having fun with what life teaches and not doing harm to others along your path. Harm may be perceived but with pure intent that is not your problem to resolve.

STOP looking for something outside to SAVE - save the planet, save the animals, save the trees, save the Syrians, save the children - when do we start to save ourselves? It is like the oxygen mask in the falling plane; one must put on one's mask first before being able to help others.

Where is it all going? Do I succumb to the helplessness of an 'outside' FORCE which supposedly garners its POWER from ME? Is a NWO or Georgia Guidestones scenario inevitable? Only if we continue to live on the OUTSIDE instead of taking care of our SELVES. Their POWER is simply something WE give them, time to TAKE IT BACK before it is too late. There is still a HUMAN factor to their systems of control, once that is gone, all bets are off.

ANGER and HATE will not solve ANYTHING - even if it is directed at those which seem to 'deserve' it. Start with the ME and LOVE that outwards and see what can happen, for the ease of hate these days is unbearable and I cannot bear the thought of passing this forward to future generations.

As James Corbett recently reiterated : WAR IS OVER IF YOU WANT IT - just don't show up. That also goes for the WAR FOR YOUR MIND.

Friday, December 01, 2017

Fighting Back With A Robot Contract

I got into a 'contract' with a robot caller today.

So, yesterday, I was receiving calls from a telemarketing robocall system which makes one wait in a queue in order to be sold something - this was a newspaper subscription.

I called the CEO of the newspaper and left a message to have it stopped because I have learned over the years that you call the top and stuff gets taken care of. I left a message and was called back by a lady which had assured me that she would take care of it and have me removed from their LIST.

That evening (evening calls are RUDE) the robot calls back; OK, give them the benefit of the doubt. This morning the robot calls again; now I'm pissed.

So I call back the contact which had called me back and left her a message that the calls stop NOW or they are entering into a CONTRACT with me which will cost them $500 per robocall and that I will keep track and that I will invoice them and pursue to collect - They want corporate contracts - that's mine to them. I also called the president/CEO and explained the terms of the contract to her. - I was immediately called back by the contact.

The contact calls me back and assures me that they are desperately trying to kill the robocalls. I explained to her that the terms of the contract had not changed - she did not make a challenge the 'contract' at all, she just assured me that she is working NOW to STOP the calls.

She called again to confirm that she contacted their contractor which makes the calls and that my number had been REMOVED from the list. I told her that in good faith, I would waive my fee for one more free call in case the computer needs a reboot. She thanked me and told me I was kind and assured me that this would be settled.

At 15:48, I received a call from the robocall system which used their free call and also 'accepted the terms of my contract so I called my contact and informed her that the free call was used and that the contract was accepted in a message; she called back immediately. I informed her that the contract had been accepted and that all calls hence forth shall be invoiced at $500 per call.

The next call I received was from the company which usually hides in the background and actually makes the calls. She assured me that they are working on the issue and that they are confused because my number had been removed from all their 'lists'. She told me that they will make sure that there is no longer an inconvenience to me. I explained to her that it was no longer an 'inconvenience' as I am now in a contract and will invoice all future calls.

I asked her for her details such as name of company, their phone number and her name to which she seemed nervous but knew that she had to provide; I told her that it was for my records.

Perhaps they will rethink their algorithm as they don't seem to have incorporated an 'off' switch very effectively.

I will see what happens from this point on but HERE'S THE POINT:





What I did was nothing more than what a lawyer does: sets the TERMS of his CONTRACT for you to call and you ACCEPT when you do.


Friday, September 29, 2017

My Thoughts On Competition Based Life

When you just won't 'go along to get along'.

You do realize that that is the problem; most are going along to get along.

They have their lives, jobs, homes, families and really just want to 'make the best of it'; they never 'rock the boat' for fear that they may be aboard when it sinks.

What is this 'boat'? This system which most hold in awe and revere its 'achievements' and 'longevity'. It has carried through where others have failed, it would seem, through their rhetoric. They bring out examples of other 'systems' failing in the past and how they were 'domineering' and 'fascist' but yet I can't help but place those same descriptors to the current paradigm. Some try to excuse that by trying to convince me that they are just 'aspects' of those other 'systems' which are creeping in and distorting the true vision of 'capitalism'.

I've peered down a great many 'rabbit holes' over the years but I never go 'all in'; I am the one which people consider dangerous because I won't say much and simply listen or say everything (seemingly) in one breath and keep a fairly fluid understanding of the events taking place. With that said, this is not an article 'bashing capitalism' per say but rather an observation of experiences and knowledge acquired within what I have experienced.

What gets me is how people seem to want to chance going to a 'pure form' of this with aspirations (or delusions) that we will not eventually end up at exactly this same spot (only techier - too late) who's opinions are usually driven by programmed fears of those other 'dastardly' systems - the great battle of the isms in the battle for the minds.

What I have seen in my 48 years in this body, are the many great and wondrous things which this 'system', which many covet, creates. The first one which stick out for me is 'Competition' which in some instances can be a good thing but to base human life upon it and justify it away with a simple 'law of nature' excuse is simply beyond comprehension.

"Well, competition drives innovation, without it you wouldn't even have that computer." I've heard people claim. Really? Like this computer which has a chip which is manufactured on the same line as faster chips but speeds are incrementally marketed to increase desire and a craving for the next 'best' thing. Create 'spending' rather than a 'quality' product then moving forward with 'real' innovations like those reserved for 'weapons research'; that kind of 'innovation'? The Henry Ford type of innovation called 'planned obsolescence'?

It's all about your 'safety' folks when you can buy this car which brakes just fine but for more money, it can brake 'better'. Wouldn't want to make all cars brake better now, that would be too 'socialist' (I laugh as I write that). They are 'up-selling' you 'safety' instead of making a great product. This is simply one example of countless which our 'growth' economy provides within this model.

We compete for attention and to be recognized; to be 'better than others' through more things, better grades, more praise, more friends, more technology, more automation, more control, more punishment, more more more; we are addicted to MORE. At what point does having more than enough change your 'perception' of that 'drive'. (context)

In the LIFE model of this 'competition' there is always a LOSER; measuring in real life sufferings like lack of food because something outside of their control changed their 'environment'.

This has also brought with it many other beautiful human adventures such as:

Scarcity - which limits equal access to whatever is needed for life due to built in 'constraints'. Ever notice how there is never enough money to help people but plenty of money (and ways) to kill or control them?

Envy - people say that there is money for immigrants and they they are paying for it. Now there is a perfect manipulation scheme if I ever saw one - Divide and Conquer and there are so many level possible.

Desires - constant streams of useless trinkets which break quickly enough to to be tossed aside by a short attention span demanding MORE.

Fear - derived from control and 'scarcity'. Riddle me this: Should people be 'afraid' of their governments? Now if you believe you are not, tell yourself that the next time you see the 'flashing reds' in the rear view mirror.

Division - Divide and Conquer: Where to start? The workers and the bosses, the rich and the poor, those with purchasing power and those without, those with political control and those without, the 'formally' educated and the 'self' educated, the differences of skin tone, language, culture, beliefs, families, communities, nations and the list goes on and on like an Energizer bunny.

Those unfortunates which must purchase the 'knock-off' rather than the more 'prestigious' original will, undoubtedly, suffer irreparable damage to their self worth.

Creating authority through the control of information and hoarding of monetary wealth (life credits). Indoctrinating them young to believe that those with a uniform, at the 'head' of the class, in a government office, wearing a fluorescent vest is 'in charge' and that this is the only way it could and should be.

Debt - I heard a lot about this one over the years. How it's inherent in every dollar created and how it grows and grows without bounds. To WHOM does this incredible world debt need to be repaid to? And as a note, there is not enough MONEY in existence to repay said debt....hmmm. A GAME perhaps? Someone's winning HUGE.

The 'Good' stuff?

Efficiency - With robot factories building cars, appliances and many other items to software driven tax returns to driver less cars and ... the list will continue to grow and people are going to be 'automated' out of work. In its efficiency it obsoletes peoples ability to earn a wage to get ahead and rather accentuates money making money; taking labor out of the equation. This also cuts peoples ability to 'consume' which 'slows' the economy (which is what exactly? oh yeah, a THEORY).

Markets - Markets are good right? Spreading that 'wealth' around; all those 'goods' bringing joy to the world but in creating markets throughout the world it also destroys already established local markets and entrepreneurs.

Secrets - Copyrights and Patents 'protecting' the 'rights' of the 'creator' of 'content' brings us to a society of SECRETS which in turn can only happen as a society of LIARS. Instead of passing knowledge forward generation after generation, only select few shall have all available knowledge and others must pay for just enough to get by. "Thou shalt not eat from the tree of wisdom" - HA

Advertising - Ok, nothing good about this one but could not be left out since the advertisers of today know more about their clients than the clients themselves.

Security - There to 'protect' everyone right? That's why the cops are militarizing, the insignificant ministries are arming, the government has munitions coming out the wazoo, the FEMA camps were built, the TSA exists, the smart meters are needed, 5G is a good thing, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera  - To PROTECT US.

It brought the film classic - The Gods Must Be Crazy and it's intended STAR.

Chew on that if you wish as this is just what I think.

LIFE doesn't have to be at the EXPENSE of others.

You can't fix stuff using the same mentality which broke it - Albert Einstein (poetic license)

Monday, September 18, 2017

What's Your Hook?

What's Your Hook?

It seems difficult for many to 'think outside the box', to imagine something which is outside of their scope of knowledge and understanding of what they have been taught throughout their life or to challenge the 'comfortable' life which they enjoy.

Many seem to be 'hooked' on certain aspects of the current paradigm which, in turn, elicits a 'fight or flight' response when brought into question. This, I believe, is programmed. For there can be no other explanation for seemingly innocuous (at a personal level) conversation which may delve into global issues, to bring out reactions such as insult and rage from people of varying demographics.

This blocks conversation which could be used to identify existing problems within our social constructs and makes sure that no solutions are to be discussed unless provided, 'prepackaged' for by a 'reputable' source (Government). In other words - "let the masters take care of things, it's above my pay grade". What 'hooks' people into this paradigm of servitude?

Below are some questions I have asked myself on what could 'hook' me to a system, so I thought I may as well ask you. As you read through, remember that these 'Keywords' are not necessarily 'Good' or 'Bad', they are just what they are and not not place too much emphasis on the immediate 'Programmed Response'.

Is it the 'Immigrants' which have you hooked?

Is it the 'Terrorists' which have you hooked?

Is it the 'Racism' which has you hooked?

Is it the 'Feminism' which has you hooked?

Is it 'Crime' (victim-less or otherwise) which has you hooked?

Is it 'Climate Change', 'Economy', 'Borders', 'Jobs', 'Over-Population', 'Security', WAR?

Is it 'Scarcity' which has you hooked? - It seems to me that there is no lack of food when one factors in things like the rotting of grains in silos, over consumption and outright waste to name a few. So I have a difficult time understanding the math which leads to 'Global Shortage'. And that is just one example of the 'Scarcity' hook, I am sure that you can think of more.

Perhaps it is closer to home; is it your 'Children's Education' which has you hooked?

Is it rising age and 'Health Care' which has you hooked?

Is it the 'Mortgage' on your house which has you hooked?

Are you hooked on 'Sports', 'Food', 'Alcohol', 'Insurance', 'Technology', 'Status', 'Competition', 'T.V.'?

Is it the 'Celebrities', 'Porn', 'Police', 'Punishment', 'Debt' which has you hooked?

Perhaps 'Money' is your hook? - Interesting how there is never money to build a society up but always plenty to tear it down.

Maybe just being 'Normal' is your hook.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Perhaps the vast majority are just hooked on being saved; are we collectively "Holding out for a hero"?

This Human Story which some would call 'Normal' and which we are currently living, has many hooks which tie us to it and keeps us from seeing and discussing the fact that it all needs to CHANGE.

Hooks come in many forms and can be based in such things as 'Guilt', 'Shame', 'Duty', 'Patriotism', 'Responsibilities', 'Division', 'Obedience', FEAR on one level or another and can manifest as "That's just the way things are" and "What can I do?".

Which hooks are yours? Which elicit an 'Emotional Response'? Which do you claim as your own yet is observable throughout a great majority of the population when their tenets are challenged? Which TIE you to this SLAVE SYSTEM to the point where you find yourself defending and justifying it automatically with sometimes illogical responses? Which keep you from engaging in meaningful conversation and rather holds you to a state of debate until the belligerence sets in?

If the reactions and responses which I have endured over the course of simply wanting to have a Conversation (which should not include competition and emotion) are deemed 'Normal' today, I want no part of normality.

Every generation which does not do anything to fix the problems, leaves it for the next generation until they get weary and the cycle repeats until no one remembers what freedom might be and no one opposes their slavery. How many generations are left? Do you realize that future generations will not know what it is like to drive or a world without surveillance?

One must release the hooks, one by one if necessary, to get to the beginning of understanding who you are and that is a FREE being. No one OWNS you, so there is no need to CONFORM to the NORMS. Just live freely without harming present and future generations should be simple enough rather than always having to ask 'Permission' to live your LIFE.

Tear out gashes of your life and of the system but don't do it alone as there is power in numbers. Families, groups, communities coming together for tax strikes and the like would be a nice beginning.

Community used to come together for 'Fixing Roads' or renovating a 'School' and things like community gardens, farmers markets, and it was not about control over PEOPLE and THEIR land or maximum PROFIT. For these were FREE INDIVIDUALS which thrived in their 'Communities' which lived a more symbiotic life with each other.

Now, we tear down what individuals build for the community if it did not go through 'Proper channels'. Is that really what we want to leave for the generations to come?

The quickening is coming as 5G is just around the corner. What will it bring? Do you think it will be anything good? Do you think that it will help to FREE the human population?

CHANGE is indeed coming - I just don't think we are going to like it. Just remember that nothing happens without the consensus approval of the masses. ACQUIESCENCE will be humanity's downfall. Government is not there to save you, it is there to enslave you.

As Mark Passio succinctly points out:  "If you are PRO GOVERNMENT, you are PRO SLAVERY; support for one is support for the other."


Thursday, May 04, 2017

Fear and Loathing on Planet Earth

It is easy to think that the world seems to be inundated with fear and loathing these days. When one watches the goings on in the world, either through mainstream or alternative media sources, one is transported into fear, despair, separation, blame and a sense that nothing is 'right' in the world. One can easily assume that protection from such forces can only be achieved through the established forms and norms such as government, law, police, military and so on. That regulation and punishment of those responsible are what is needed, along with ever increasing controls in order to maintain the 'order' which is believed to be necessary to combat such disturbances in our societies.

If you think 1984 was bad you have another thing coming. In 1984, humans were still needed to wage war, to operate the machines of war, to control the populace, to write the propaganda; the New World Order is not about controlling you and everyone else on the planet, it is about the final battle for humanity itself and humanity doesn't stand a chance if it doesn't GET OFF IT'S KNEES NOW.

Do you not see the changes in your lifetime? The SHOCK AND AWE on every level - ever wonder why kids cannot even draw a gun in school without the police getting involved - because in today's technology (3D printing and as it advances exponentially) drawing is creating.

Why there is 'punishment' associated with feeding the poor and down trodden? Because they are useless eaters and leeches on the rest of society for they don't pull themselves up by their bootstraps and instead are more likely to turn to crime and steal from 'me'.

Ever wonder why a peaceful protest is met with military style police with their non-lethal weapons (which still maim and kill), pepper spraying and beating already 'kettled' protesters which have nowhere to run? To instill fear and obedience by punishing you for daring to stand up and speak against the hand which feeds you (for now).

Since 2001 humanity has freely given away their power for the promise of security (don't get me wrong, it started way before then). You have allowed the few to control more and more; and those which they cannot control, they destroy with the vast array of 'impressive' toys of war at their disposal or through the 'mind' of the masses. They had spent decades prepping you for that moment; a 'terrorist' here, a 'dictator' there while creating the 'evil doers' and filling your heads with the 'rule of law', 'international responsibility' (U.N.) and 'peacekeeping' missions (for only the military has the resources to deploy to 'help and save' people). Now we are a point where the populace actually believes that in order to 'save' the children in certain areas of the world, we must bomb and destroy their countries.

Dehumanizing them was easy over my lifetime, after all there were so many colorful terms for these peoples of which we know nothing about except for what we have heard or been made to believe through revisionist history and blatant propaganda: terrorists, beheaders, camel jockeys, towel heads, pakkies, sand niggers and many more; but of course we don't say these in public, for that would be unacceptable and we like to claim, after all, civility while we bomb them back to the stone age.

Ever bothered to really look into what these 'monsters' were like before we sent in the ordinances? Have you ever bothered to visit any of these places and talk to the people? Have you ever bothered to really look into the 'different' societies which these countries were trying to build without your programmed fears of this 'ist' or that 'ism'?

The police and military personnel or 'order followers' as Mark Passio points out, are all too eager to execute whatever the masters order them to do, for they have been indoctrinated to 'fear for their lives' at any 'provocation', making an enemy of everyday people which simply don't obey on command, while believing that they are actually 'serving and protecting' and hold the moral high ground. But these lap dogs of the elite are still prone to the occasional compassion, empathy, and morals although in demonstrably fewer instances.

The future will no longer need these second degree psychopaths with their inherent weaknesses as the robot soldier and police are being developed and perfected. A robot will not think twice before killing women and children for it will simply see a target as it looks them in the eyes to do so; no matter what you have been led to believe with the laws of robotics and their 'protect human life' programming propagated in your favorite science fiction thriller.

Half of all jobs to be automated, autonomous cars to relieve humans of the mundane chore of driving and keeping us 'safe' in the process, constant surveillance, 3D printed construction  and much more coming your way which will make you dependent on whatever the 'owners' of these technologies deem fit for you, if they let you survive at all. The Georgia Guidstones popped up out of nowhere, not as a warning but in mockery of what is to come.

They are gearing up for something huge and it won't be pretty for anyone; a trillion here a quadrillion there all spent on military and 'defense', robotics, surveillance and other technologies which will render most OBSOLETE. Can you even put into context how many life credits (money) that actually is? Do a search for "what a trillion dollars look like" - even after that I cannot conceptualize it and I cannot see any of these advancements being developed for the 'good' of humanity. Don't get me wrong, I know that used for good these technologies could propel humanity into an amazing age of discovery and evolution; T.V. could have done so much good also.

Meanwhile the eugenicists warn of mass die offs from unknown virus and peddle their vaccines to protect and save you but what if that unknown death comes in the form of a vaccine which lays dormant until activated? If there is a plan for a mass cull, no better than voluntary (fear based) and mandatory vaccines.

So smoke your legalized marijuana and zone out from the hints which they drop everywhere in their path, after all we have fought so hard for the 'freedom' of a plant so might as well finally enjoy it. Sing koombaya and smell the flowers and love and light for I suppose that with being pacified for our entire lives, it gets difficult to spot the obvious.

Something is definitely on the horizon. Some say that it is predetermined but to believe in that would be a rejection of our individual power; the acquiescence to something external for our very fate and something which is totally out of our control. Stop fighting amongst yourselves over the most trivial of differences (programmed) and see the divide and conquer strategies used at every level of your lives; left/right man/woman white/other illegal/legal immigrant/citizen WTF?

What does one reach for when they have reached 'the end of their rope'? Does one make the knot, wait to be saved or snap out of it? This is where I see the state of humanity these days; DO OR DIE.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Age of Stupidity - I Know Nothing

What has happened is that society has gotten, I'm going to  say it, STUPID. Fortunately for some, technology for 'smart' gadgetry is running rampant and it can help organize your life; click 'accept' here and accept the fear of losing it along with the personal connection to others which you so crave yet can't really find the right app. People will usually buy the next flashy, digital, larger whatever, and stare at it in wonder all the while confusing it for innovation and 'evolution'. Swipe swipe, drool.

Possible causes for this are education (or lack there of) and as we have seen it politicized, it offers obedience training rather than questioning and discovering. There is little hope in that venue at the moment until the ideas are free to return. And total bombardment of the senses (or media mind control) everywhere of what to buy, how to look, what cool is and my favorite; the measure of success. Success cannot be measured in monetary terms as judged by others. It is the betterment of ones self with respect to global impact (and no it is not a global warming (is it still called that?) thing) and a self respect, which demands a better NOW for everyone. Let's face it, the 'causes' are endless and all lead to the acquiescence to the now which is false at an individual level.

'The moral imperative of life is to live a life that detracts not at all from the lives available to those who will follow us into this world."
- Don Robertson, The American Philosopher

What I get from that is that we are short sighted and seem to live with little regard for those which will follow. That our vision should not be about the next 5 or even 25 years, but beyond that, a thousand years or more. At this point in time, the only innovation that is created is something that will make the masses spend more and more in a continual loop of consume and throw away. The next flashy gadget or reaaaaalllllyyyyy sharp T.V. (stunned) is just around the corner or perhaps a watch which controls your drone while live streaming to social media is more your style. Sign up, click 'accept' and enjoy the ride as we really mess with your minds and spy on everything you do.

Our system of life though, dictates that we live quarter to quarter; the financial quarter. Where is all this money in the world going? It seems to me that there is a huge detraction of present lives being affected every day, let alone the future. How can there be a future when most cannot even see the present. What a waste of energies.

I'm a House What? Is that what our 40 hour a week enslavement is working towards these days? Feeding a system that is waaaaayyyy past its term (keep flogging that dead horse)? It has gotten downright ... what's that word? Oh yeah STUPID! Why are we still playing this game when there are plenty of resources for everyone? It's the greed that begins at the top that is the problem. Sorry, it doesn't stop there, it seeps down, and the roots have taken a very good hold. In case yawl hadn't noticed, we are in the middle of a large money grab (land too). Parts of this post are 10 years old and nothing has changed.

Now the governments, at local levels, have begun to mark their territory and show the 'citizenry' who is boss. A by-law here and overstepping of grounds there and a 'normalization' from town to rural in their application. "We won't raise your taxes" - instead they raise the 'evaluation' assessment which increases the taxes. All while the people complain yet do nothing but accept it as 'that's just the way it is' as they borrow against the new evaluated price and embrace their servitude.

Controls are Tightening

Have you noticed how 'travelling' is starting to be a pain in the arse? Just getting 'permission' to leave or enter your country of birth can be a chore for some? Are we no longer 'free' to travel? Did I miss the memo?

Have you noticed that protesting is going the way of the unions? The death of cheered on by the armchair populace which critiques and is indignant that the 'rabble' is 'unhappy'. So many opinions based upon nothing but soundbites attained while sitting in front of one's television. Accept and move on, after all, I went to school and worked until pension, life's not all that bad; buck up little camper. Search 'protest police' and get the picture. Their hosing, spraying, gassing, kettling and beating you for your own good.

So many more controls are happening on a global level. Same sorts of things are happening all over the 'western' world as municipalities begin to clamp down and show their strength. As populations are trained to 'obey' and where waving soldiers drive by in their toys of WAR. All this paid for by the people themselves; forever paying for their indoctrination into slavery - well at least they 'OWN' that.

"What a man believes upon grossly insufficient evidence is an index into his desires — desires of which he himself is often unconscious. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way."
— Bertrand Russell, Roads to Freedom

I need to remember this quote more often as I am faced with the Arrogance of Ignorance of people defending their own indoctrination and slavery. Defending the most 'advanced' nation in history, waging wars on the least for whatever reasons are fashionable to you. The only thing government cares about is continuity of government.

Divide And Conquer

Ringing any bells for anyone? The citizenry happily divide themselves into preexisting labels such as left/right, anti/pro, this 'ist/ism' and that 'ism/ism' (insert labels here).

Now here is a concept that does work. Basically you're the minority of the planet, but you want the majority to think your way. Well then why not divide and conquer? Fear is an excellent weapon here as you can make people be afraid of ... anything really, even themselves. Make them afraid of each other, make them compete with each other. Make them so xenophobic that if the world was falling apart and their neighbor came by for help, that they would be too afraid to let them in (zombies anyone). Ding. Now keep plastering images of “good 'ol” something (don't forget the flag). Trust the product, trust the company, trust the experts, trust the government, trust US. Ding, ding, ding.

The only 'unity' I see is that of the LIE. Their belief in and defense of the lies which they must believe are true in order to make their lives REAL. The security, property, borders, competition, resources, ownership, all of it - LIES.  And the notion that it can be 'fixed' from within with a little tweak here and an 'honest' politician there are the self induced delusions which feed these lies.

Be Your Leader

It is in coming together as SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUALS that UNITY begins. That is the power. That is the TRUTH for real FUTURE implications. Not being led down some path for another's gain through manipulative tactics which use fear, guilt, shame and punishment to control the 'citizenry'. Some say that it is just part of our 'social contract' which we apparently all sign with umbilical cord fluid as we exit the womb. All waiting to 'vote' for the next chosen choice.

Survival of the fittest? No. Survival of the richest. Why would the human inhabitants of the world 'choose' to live like this? I will tell you that it does not take intelligence to make money. What it does take are cunning and a certain moral flexibility. What seems more difficult these days is simply getting over ourselves and letting love flow; an honest look in the mirror with an open minded reflection of NOW. For me, the former is much more difficult.

I will not assimilate into a society which is not social nor a civilization which is not civil. Step out of the Age of Stupidity and rejoice in your ignorance for there are endless things to discover and imagine. But what do I know other than nothing?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I Have A Plan

Here's an idea if humanity wants to really create CHANGE; and this is just the tip of the proverbial 'Iceberg'. Since humans are not that keen on 'risk' this may be a nice step in the right direction to something new and exciting.

Open source drawings for all plastic parts of everything and anything.

Any item which is purchased and would have lasted a lot longer if only one still had access to those N/A (no longer available) or prohibitively expensive parts (I wonder who controls that).

I'm sure you know what I am talking about. The parts for cars, power tools, yard equipment, appliances, computers, toys, camping gear, gardening equipment; anything created with plastic.

Then, you 3D Print everything which is needed, when it is needed.

This would:

Create entrepreneurial opportunities which would help to bring things back to 'local' communities rather than multinational corporation control over the spending habits of the consumers; and we are all consumers. This would bring back a sense of 'pride' in the products which are produced and real innovation could truly be spurred through 'forward engineering' by improving on the design and longevity of already existing items and perhaps the 'birth' of exciting new developments (THINK BIG).

Reduce oil consumption which would lower pollution levels, alleviate fears of 'global warming' and bring it back to 'affordable' levels (for the time being) as 'society' can be 'weened' and the oil conglomerates can focus on the future, instead of dragging out a long dead past. Affordable is necessary for the sociological 'habits' to be veered down alternate paths which in turn create different 'stories'.

Stop Wars. I do not imagine a stoppage of all wars instantaneously but I believe there would be a drastic reduction in war and that over time, humanity could stop 'escalating' itself into larger and larger 'conflicts'.

Require fewer raw resources which would eventually change the mentality of 'scarcity' and also eliminate corporate control of production, distribution, manufacturing and the 'forced' upgrade path which humanity has been following for decades. Just say it ain't going to be 'Grreat' for the corporations.

This would be less harsh on the environment (less in, less out) and, of course, HEMP would be included in the equation. So the sky's the limit for one to discover through the great many interwebs to follow about this darling of nature.

If Jesus (insert savior here) came back as a plant - what plant would that be?

For those which believe they are 'trapped'; never be too tired to learn something. And watching T.V. is not learning 'something'; no matter how many times you tell yourself. Read, on the webs, in books; everywhere. Just LEARN. Learn to dance, sculpt, weld, knit, bake, saw, connect, repair...ANYTHING For the more we know, the better we are.

I don't know or want to think of the 'tangents' which could be fear mongered to have an effect on this plan. For this is a 'positive' post, of a 'plan' I had while having a conversation with mary. I believe it would be little risk and at least start to create a 'shift' in the current 'zeitgeist' hence it is here.

Unless we are so vain (punny isn't it), that the projection of whatever is projected (meaning whatever we buy, for whatever 'reason' for ME) is more important than actually creating a new paradigm and perhaps a real start in the NOW for a FUTURE for those generations to come. Or perhaps it is just too UTOPIAN an idea to want to believe in my species.

This will take the work of much smarter people than I to accomplish so spread the word  if you think it has merit. Perhaps it is just an old school man's frustration at not being able to FIX everything which is so simple and which I spent my 'life credits' to purchase simply for the reasons stated above.

And don't forget, this is just a small list of what is possible, add some yourself - keep it open.

My copyright on this is freely given; but be nice about it. And NO copyright of any kind is to be applied to this idea (as if I could 'claim' it myself - what a concept HA). Ideas need to be FREE.

Saturday, March 04, 2017

An Epiphanic Moment

It came to me that what I need to do had been right in front of me and I did not take the opportunity, perhaps out of fear. With the help of a couple of 'great' cookies and a conversation, albeit short with Sigmund, I do believe I have had an EPIPHANY! (gotta shout that out).

A little background to me, since I have been writing, for years, these brain/heart explosions without context and then I yell out epiphany. It is not a world changing, save humanity sort of moment unless you are me.

I have never felt 'right' in this world; at times I have thought that perhaps I was from another. I wandered from life to life or some would call it 'profession' to profession for many years with the ones which satisfied me most being those where 'enjoyment' was prevalent (bars) and I could be part of 'providing' such enjoyment. Searching for the 'dream' which was freely advertised in the 'hopes' of achieving 'success'.

At the turn of the century, after having worked for the military, I could no longer be where or what I was and thought "There has to be more to life than the quest for cash". I soon volunteered with an agency and by the end of 2001, I was in southern Africa for the next 2 years but I had hoped it to be permanent.

I learned many things in Africa and met many amazing people within the locals and other volunteers. As I have written in a previous post (An Awakening Moment), it did not take long to see through the facade which is called 'development'.

I returned to 'my' country and doors started to open as never before and I soon began work for a major I.T. conglomerate while supporting a major a Pharmaceutical company. In 2005, I drove to Mexico with all my belongings (those I believed had 'worth') in a $400 car from the great white north and told myself I was never coming back. After 6 months, the limiting factor being financial, I returned and experienced a few different employment situations and eventually trained flight simulator technicians on the maintenance of their simulators (I.T. aspect). In the end, I explained to H.R. (that concept chills me) that rather than take a 'mental breakdown' paid holiday, that I would resign and headed to Venezuela.

South and Central American countries came and went in my quest for self and belonging. After Venezuela I climbed and built radio communications towers, leased land to said towers for a major telecommunications corporation and again it never felt right. I ventured to Panama (2012), in hopes of volunteering, Ecuador (2015) due to a call from mother Ayahuasca. I went to volunteer at a retreat center in hopes of experiencing this medicine and finding answers to myself.

When I was at the retreat, I met a lot of interesting people, each offering a different wisdom. One of these was a Shaman (so others said) from the east which I aided to communicate with his broken English and his visibly bright heart. He told me at one point, over cigarettes, "You Shaman" to which I replied "I am but a man". Another was the Shaman which performed the ceremonies with which I helped to mix the medicine with my Mary, goddess of peace while infusing it with our own energies.

That was my first contact with Shaman (I don't want to add an ism). Now I did not experience the medicine until 2 months later but I did get to learn from the experiences and descriptions of others. While learning from a younger generation of spiritual travelers.

I have read and learned a great many things, experienced a variety of cultures (western and others) and dealt (am dealing) with a great many demons within over the years which have brought me to where I am on this path called life. I give as much as I can and I do see the joy in the world as much as I see the ills, which some may get the impression is 'dark' or 'negative'. On my Ayahuasca journey, I realized that I am sensitive to 'energies' as my years progress and that I have been 'shunning' myself in avoidance of 'overload'. I have taken it out on those I love and for that I apologize.

If one were to start at the beginning of my blog and work their way up; I could not tell you what they might think but they may receive a clearer context and perhaps see the freeing gifts which I have left behind (although cryptic at times). I find myself reading some of my blog from time to time and staring in wonder that I wrote all of those words; often like the first time. This blog is simply a 'context' into me.

So back to my original thought; the Epiphany. I need to become Shaman.

I am once more receiving the call from mother Ayahuasca and also realizing that I can give while receiving at the same time. When I went the last time, it was in hopes of meeting a Shaman which would tell me that I need the medicine; I just did not realize that I had.

I do not belong where I am at the moment and have no desire to live in 'my' country; I am here by birth, not by choice. This 'environment' and I are mutually in-conducive.

I do love 'humanity' just not sure about the 'humans' (or is it the other way around?) HA. I do have hope or I would have given up a long time ago. I do continue to give but need to learn to receive. I do not expect anything except from myself and that is simply to be honest. I will continue to speak from my heart for I can only continue along my path; one with no destination but a lot to discover. No competition for me, I need to learn how to 'be' Shaman. I need to stop hurting myself; to learn to be.

I do not claim to 'know' anything. I simply listen, learn and speak my heart/mind at times, albeit frequently lately. She is calling; time to drop myself into the jungle.

Friday, March 03, 2017

House Slaves of the 21st Century

For thousands of years, the 'house slave' has been one which was treated better than the other slaves; allowed to live in the master's house or at least apart from the others which were usually beaten into submission to carry out the toil of the day. The house slave was also something to aspire to, for it offered a hope of relief from the worst of their existence. The house slave was loyal to his master and was often used as a spy and as someone to 'negotiate' with the others and coax them into accepting their fate with a smile. The STOCKHOLM SYNDROME was not just borne out of Sweden.

Looking throughout human history, one can see that slavery and money (gold) are both very predominant within the story of humanity. As the ages progressed, slavery had to take on a clandestine form, as it was no longer 'acceptable' and a 'soft slavery' was introduced. An interesting read was Michael Tellinger's "Slave Species of the Gods" in which he relays information translated from ancient Sumerian clay tablets which indicate that humanity was actually created as a slave species but alas such information is merely dismissed as myth and legend. I won't go into detail here but the book was well worth the read and within me, stirred up the question of why today's modern 'terrorists' seem to revel in destroying ancient artifacts and sites which may contain further information?

Athens had various categories of slave, such as:

- House-slaves, living in their master's home and working at home, on the land or in a shop.
- Freelance slaves, who didn't live with their master but worked in their master's shop or fields and paid him taxes from money they got from their own properties (insofar as society allowed slaves to own property).
- Public slaves, who worked as police-officers, ushers, secretaries, street-sweepers, etc.
- War-captives who served primarily in unskilled tasks at which they could be chained: for example, rowers in commercial ships; or miners.
- Houseborn slaves often constituted a privileged class.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) 

One can see from the above that this has been happening for thousands of years, and that we seem to learn nothing from those which have tried to inform us of our condition in the past or from history itself.

So what happens when the majority of people become the 'house slaves'? Fast forward to present day.

Two things to consider before I go on would be MONEY; its history and its present importance. Be it the money changers from the bible, the Romans with their coinage or the Rothchilds of today; there has always been a group which controls money and the necessities of life tied to it. And INFORMATION, which again throughout history, one can see its control of (national security anyone?) throughout the revisionist histories of our times written by the winner and forgotten by the masses. Both these things have never seemed logical to me, for information must be libre in order to advance.

In one of my previous writings, NWO Manifesto, I outlined these controls used by those in 'power' along with 'property' and 'ego' amongst others. Now that it can all be tied together, I shall continue with stating that as long as the house slaves are kept content, they will continue to perpetuate and enforce the mentality forward to future generations (multi-generational programming) while believing that they are doing the best for their children and grandchildren to come.

Some say that when we are born we are subject to some sort of 'social contract' but that is just a slave telling themselves and their offspring that 'that's just the way it is' with the most illogical of justifications which, sadly, seems real to them.

Some scream "I am my own boss" for they believe they work for themselves. They become an 'entrepreneur' and tell themselves that they control their destiny. Delusion is powerful as I mentioned before, for it clouds the truth and lets us see what we 'want' to see. At the end of the day, this situation is NOT FREEDOM, as they are still working for MONEY to survive. They must still play the game of getting money out of another pocket to put into theirs, albeit different than the '9 to 5' wage slave. They must still answer to a 'customer', they can still be put out of business by 'unsatisfied' clients and they must still pay a 'cut' to their masters in the form of licenses, insurance and TAXES. So, how FREE are you?

You perpetuate your slavery forward, generation by generation, as you tell your children how PROUD you are of them for scoring well in the master's educational institutions. For you tell them that it will ensure a BETTER life for them and that all you want for them is to not have the HARDSHIPS which you may have endured. You REWARD them for compliance and PUNISH them for their failures because that is the only way that you know of; forever pushing them to be better than you, without really changing anything at all.

So who are the house slaves of the 21st century? Almost everyone (scroll up and see the points from Athens). The ones which OWN a house while still paying their masters for the privilege and proudly proclaiming to their friends how low their USURY rate is (fixed or variable), this includes anything which one make 'payments' on. The ones which believe in or work for the 'government' (from the Latin Guvernare Mentis or control mind) because no one has the RIGHT to dictate how another shall LIVE. The ones in the industries of ENFORCEMENT for they are the lapdogs of the masters and shall be discarded when they are no longer useful. The ones which teach at the master's 'educational' institutions. The ones who work for or believe that the media does not LIE. The one's which tell me that "private property is the foundation of freedom" (or anyone which agrees in the concept of 'more for me' without consideration that it also means 'less for others'). Doctors, lawyers, bankers, CEO's; the list is endless for as long as the majority of the house slaves are 'satisfied' in their life, they will drag others down to their level and beat those which dare to step out of line (just like the monkeys in the ladder experiment). The ones which believe in SOVEREIGNTY of the state above that of the INDIVIDUAL. As Mark Passio has mentioned in his many informative talks: there are enough ORDER FOLLOWERS out there which keep the rest in line.

If you espouse such drivel as 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and 'hope and belief' that the '100th monkey' is just around the corner and that people simply need to 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' while VOTING for a HERO to come and SAVE humanity, you are a house slave.

If your life is filled with 'abundance' and 'happiness' and this makes no sense to you, then I am happy for you and please disregard my ramblings. Go on living and smiling and don't worry about anything catching up to future generations. After all, there is no advancement of the police state, no senseless destruction of nations and cultures, no worries about money becoming controlled by digital and bio-metric means, no dumbing down of future generations, no perversion of health and nutrition, no impending technological unemployment, no more risk of housing crisis, no erosion of privacy and definitely no worries for the future.

If one does not know who they are, they will never become who they can be. And I, for one, can no longer play this 'game' which people have told me to live just for myself. I can no longer be just a HOUSE SLAVE. I don't really see a difference between Athens and today. Can you?

Waking Times:

French translation - merci Hélios:

Spanish translation on YouTube - gracias LaGranjaHumanaMX:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Awakening - The Greatest Psyop in History

I recently read an article by Willem Felderhof called "Parents – the Most Loyal Agents for the Torture Control Matrix" and something he stated made me realize what I have been refusing to see for years; for I too want to have 'hope'.

"If there was such a thing as a global awakening visible we would have
seen a massive and exponentially growing number of global disobedience,
especially by parents who protect their children as a result of their
knowledge, and actions accordingly."

Now, denial is a very powerful state of mind, for it can cloud all of one's senses, emotions and judgment. Having been writing (brain explosions) for the past 11 years or so and having been published on various websites over the years, the one thing that I have witnessed, yet refused to acknowledge, is how the 'Awakened' seem to come and go; one day they appear (like I did) and then another day they are gone - like a dream.

I have noticed that the 'awakened' seem to have separated themselves into differing factions over the years: Truthers, Liberals, Libertarians, New Age, Collectivists, Individualists, Anarchists and many more with the only common denominators being that "No One Comes Together" and no one TRUSTS each other. For there is always that great fear of 'psyops' and 'cointelpro agents' which no doubt has had a hand in things, perhaps for those very reasons, for a DIVIDED populace is always controllable.

The rhetoric has been escalating over the years as all these groups have a lot to say about the current state of human affairs and about one another, which simply helps to solidify the divisions needed for humanity to remain SLAVES. Just look around, it is easy to spot all the P.O.B.s (points of blame): immigrants, religions, snowflakes, liberals, alt-right, the last 'elected' (selected) leader, the current leader, the rich, the poor (entitled), government and again, many more, seems to have all contributed to the mentality that one group of humans is taking from ME so trust no one. This rhetoric has increased and the levels of demonstrable hatred has become very noticeable within the 'hearts' of the populace (if they truly have one left).

There are many which offer 'solutions' and information for those which are willing to PAY for it within these tumultuous times; when I went to South America, I was surprised (and not) to find that 'healing plant medicines' were such a booming business. Donate here, buy now, don't wait until it's too late, for your family needs that filter/seed pack/survival gear/information; oh what profits can be generated by an impending apocalypse and a divided populace.

It used to be that 'wisdom' was FREELY passed along through the ages in order to ensure the advancement of society and a better life for future generations; that stopped many moons ago. Now we are left with the arrogance of 'my idea', which is claimed to be solely mine within the 7 billion inhabitants of this planet, for only I am capable of having such an idea. So we patent and copyright and make sure that nothing can be freely attained which may add value to the whole of humanity.

I wanted to believe when others stated that "This is a great time to be alive" for the 'change' is almost upon us and a 'convergence' of 'energies' is nigh so I went looking for such. I thought that people would come together, form ad-hoc communities and at least try to create some differing paradigms; what I found was the same mentalities with the same controls based on the same fears and separation, with the only differences being the levels of said controls and fears.

Most of you are hypocrites, and those which aren't know who they are and don't need me to apologize for my blunt honesty, the rest of you can writhe in my words all you like but it won't get you anywhere except to a greater place of hatred. There is but ONE thing that will save humanity at this point and it is so simple that people reject it immediately. All we need to do is GET OVER OURSELVES (our programmed ego) and see that we are fools on so many levels; for those which think that I do not include myself in this equation, concentrate on YOU instead of OTHERS (I am still working on that).

I know what it is like to not sleep, to internalized the troubles of the world and to walk around like Atlas carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders; that is my own issue of which I must break free. I know what it is like to awaken in the morning wishing I had not, to cry every day for a world in pain and to loathe every last one of you; that is my own pain of which I must claim responsibility for. I know what it is like to face madness on a daily basis and I know what it is like to simply want to speak honestly and from my heart only to be met with nothing but animosity and fear. I know what it is like to reach out only to not be received.

So BRAVO to the GREAT AWAKENING for it is everything the controllers could ever dream of and more; so much separation and suspicion formed around individual camps which shall never come together to challenge today's NORMAL. Scroll back up and re-read that quote from Mr. Felderhof, do you see any of that actually happening? What I see is the populace vehemently defending all the things which keeps humanity on its KNEES for there is always an excuse or justification for our individual and collective stupidities.

The PROBLEM isn't with the controllers; it is within ALL OF US and until we can see our own FALLACIES and LIMITATIONS (programmed or real) there will never be any CHANGE.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

If Stupidity Were Painful

What Kind of World Would This Be If Stupidity Were Painful?

Firstly, let me define the pain depending on the possible global consequences of said stupidity:

Low: A bee sting - which will be for the minor stupid moments which everyone goes through in their lives.

Medium: That pain you get when a muscle knot forms under the shoulder blade which leaves you barely capable of moving one side of your upper body while feeling the pain shooting and throbbing right down to the tips of your fingers for days - yeah that one - will be for the medium sized stupid moments which say, keep us from advancing as a species.

Extreme: Giving birth for 30 days (and not the 'breathe hun' type) - which is reserved for the serious offences which could, say, wipe out life.

As you can see they are all pretty painful and for the sake of imagination, there are no allergies in this scenario so none of them will induce death although at the extreme level, they may wish for it.

Second, who shall define such stupidity and it's levels?:

- For the sake of this article, I will be judge, jury and executioner (Grin).

- For the sake of your imagination, you can say the universe, god, karma; whatever floats your boat.

Let's start with some examples which would fall under the bee sting category of stupidity:

- Cognitive Dissonance - I think it is fair to say that if everyone which experiences this felt a bee sting every time, that things would be drastically different. I can probably assume that the 'Truther' or "Awake' community are cheering at this moment but don't be so quick for I believe everyone, not excluding myself, would be affected by this pain and that it would rather be a difference of frequency (and not the wave type) between the people.

- You know when you just respond out of IGNORANCE because you felt that you needed to say something - ouch.

- You know when you are listening to someone and then have a need to say something so instead of listening you are just waiting your turn - yeah, LISTENING is an intricate part of conversation and LEARNING, so buzzzzz.

- You know when you defend your ignorance instead of embracing it and opening the door to actually learning something - oooh that stings.

- You know when you ignore, denigrate, ridicule... information or a messenger simply because you don't understand it or grasp its concept. - just a little prick :-)

So the minor things are things which we all need to work on individually and really have no real affect on everything else; or does it? I think that this affects every part of human sociological behavior and what is mentioned above keeps us as a species from really moving forward bringing us to our current zeitgeist. But what do I know?

OK, on to the second pain which shall simply be called 'That Knot':

- Electric car developed before internal combustion yet more 'development' has been spent over 100+ years for the latter which in turn has fed the oil industry which in turn fed the auto industry which in turn ripped out the electric trams and replaced them with buss' which ripped out rail lines and stopped service to rural areas which... I think you get the point; that whole stupid idea and NOW they want electric? Now don't get lost in who fed who above because for this exercise, it is not important. That Knot

- So you manufacture a really good product which last years and people are really happy with so you decide instead to cut down on the quality so that people will buy more often (planned obsolescence) or you simply force out other competitors using economic and legal means or you withhold technologies (patents) in order to release it gradually for more profit... Again, pretty obvious and I didn't even go into the wasted resources part of this - don't worry it only hurts all the time for a few days.

- After years and years of doing the exact same thing you continue to do it anyways - VOTE. What is it that you expect? That some benevolent billionaire will swoop down and save everyone from the evil trillion-airs? Have you not learned from anything in the past or is it simply that you can not IMAGINE another option? Does it not all seem to be the SAME to anyone else? There are little trimmings here and garland there but it is the same. Are we that indoctrinated by our masters that we actually believe that one of them will SAVE us? YOU DON'T NEED A LEADER - LEAD YOURSELF - sorry but that pain will go away soon (week max).

- You're a corporation which likes to engage in secret negotiations for trade deals with governments and write clauses which would enable you to sue said governments for infringing on you PROFITS while they try to protect their citizens or the environment. So much wrong there but I do believe that both parties deserve That Knot (maybe too lenient).

Alright, so there are four examples (among many) which I can see is all about control and profit and commonly could be stopped by simply going through the bee stings and then stopping your participation in their game of control and profit - do you really need to pay for your own brainwashing and 'up-size' every time the screen gets bigger (that sounds like a Bee Sting moment)?

Don't worry, I've saved all the favorites for last; where the really big hurt happens. Now, I am not sure on whether to just include everything in one big, convoluted paragraph or by point but since Pain and Suffering sells I will do point by point for readership - ouch (that little joke was worth the pain).

- So you're a weapons manufacturer which knows that war is profitable but need to end a long, drawn out war. You call some scientist together and develop the atom bomb (not Einsteins shining moment). Over the years weapons development, wars, militarization of police, surveillance, et. al. can all be attributed to the M.I.C. (I always want to continue: K.E.Y. M.O.U.S.E.) and now called 'Deep State'. You lobby, you threaten and you may even assassinate to get your way. All this hype about HATE speech yet look around at all our great killing machines - now that inspires hate. Build toys of war; this is going to hurt.

- You are Main Stream Media and you have the power to control what people think and talk about, what to fear, what to strive for, whom to worship, whom to hate, what to read,... and truly EDUCATE; but you don't do the last one, do you? You are a mouthpiece for those which deem themselves the CONTROLLERS, the propaganda arm for corrupt governments (is there another kind?) and whores to big business across the globe. 30 days of hard labor.

- You are a BANKSTER cartel which for centuries has controlled money on this planet and even profits from financing both sides of wars; you are notorious for profiting at the suffering of others. You have succeeded in convincing the inhabitants of this world that MONEY=LIFE over the years and use your control and power, which is solely attained through the general acceptance of the VALUE of your MONEY, for your quest, which some believe, of WORLD DOMINATION. Now, I know a lot of you believe that their punishment should be DEATH but stooping to their level solely makes us the same savages that they are; 'An Eye For An Eye' has to stop somewhere before we all go blind. And if that isn't convincing enough, just ask a lady how painful 30 days of childbirth would be.

Now, with all those examples, try to IMAGINE what the world would be like if Stupidity were painful. Would these things have even manifested? If not, why do we keep MANIFESTING them today?

Looking Back - Seeing Forward

As I leave my 48th and enter the 49th year on this planet I look back at the history within my lifetime and I ponder "What do I believe"? For do I really believe that humanity has the capacity, in its current state, to gracefully exit the age which I can solely describe as The Age of Stupidity? I fear that the worst is yet to come.

There are a lot of people out there with many good ideas offering places to start discussing real solutions to real problems; the problem is that most simply want to 'debunk' or vilify such individuals using some sort of weird algorithms  developed from perhaps the Terminator series, or is it the only reaction they know within their programmed psyche - DENY anything which goes against the accepted paradigm; which 'I feel threatens me'.

So I hold back on conversations in order to avoid the inevitable outcome as the subconscious throws up whatever high level blocks remain which keep control while the individual believes they are 'awakened'. There are many of these high level blocks but I believe the most important is the notion of 'property'. That one is the top controlling factor. For whatever else you believe you know, one rarely gets to evaluating the notion of 'owning' a part of life (Earth) and claiming 'I AM AWAKE'. So ideas and concepts which can be taken apart to retain the best aspects and try to blend something of an existence which is better than WAR - are simply thrown away as 'Utopian' or replied to in that usual brain dead fashion "Who's Going To PAY For It?"

They want ELECTRIC cars while holding onto the JOBS which internal combustion produces. They want CHANGE without disturbing their LIFESTYLE. They want to be told the TRUTH but still want to live the DREAM. They want EQUALITY for all and still want to feel SPECIAL. They want DIGNITY for all yet still believe in PROPERTY - when property pits one against another simply because you have and they don't, what owns what?

Whatever box, these so called 'thinkers' believe they have escaped is almost always limited by a glass ceiling made of Gold. "Who's going to pay for it?" they scream because money is the only story we know of; what else is there? "It's always been that way". Few have searched through history to find why we are obsessed with gold (money) and those which have and have differing theories are quickly dismissed and ridiculed for believing in 'myths and legends'.

I have never believed in that story - that of money. I have, recurrently, been offered that age-old wisdom that "You need money to live" but when I try to offer the observation that the statement itself is an admittance of life equalling money, it usually fills the mind with denial and animosity (to name 2).

I remember in 2005, while driving through the U.S., I had stopped in Colorado for the night and went to the closest bar for some beer. I order a jug and sat at the bar and observed and finally ended up playing pool with a patron. Afterwards we continued to discuss at the bar, and I posed questions as to the current state of 'Freedom' in the U.S. at the time. Our conversation caught the ear of the bartender which apparently did not like my line of questions. He confiscated my 3/4 full jug of beer and proceeded to escort me out the door. As I left, I turned and smiled and said "There's your free speech right there".

I wonder if the individual above has ever reflected on that incident and realized what actually transpired - He overheard a conversation, reacted and used his 'authoritative' influence to punish (jug was paid for), silence and remove someone which he thought outside his boundaries and considered a 'threat' to his 'knowledge' and possibly to his nation. Now how many times do people as individuals actually see themselves honestly and could see that? Well every one of those little reactions, which we don't catch, solidifies the programs which keep us as slaves.

Some things I believe:

I believe in the universality of energy and that this energy flows through everything. I believe that once we simply 'get over ourselves', life will take a drastic turn. I believe that the only thing we need to 'fight' is really ourselves. I believe that we allow ourselves to be externally coerced and I believe that this allows us to create the conditions where our energy no longer flows and is 'contained'.

When energy cannot flow, it builds up and is easily manipulable to manifest as whatever is desired (sometimes an explosion). One needs simply to look around, what is desired is definitely not LOVE. So the question would be why? Why is the flow of energies being restricted? Some say a galactic event, perhaps, and maybe this is not just happening here.

I believe that our puny little minds may contain all of the knowledge of the universe; if only we had eyes, ears, and heart to access it.  The eyes cannot see past its being's own self importance, let alone the mysteries of the universe. The ears seem to hear only what that being 'wants' to hear let alone the secrets yet to discover. And the heart is constantly searching outside itself for 'approval' when it simply needs to realize that it is a perfect being which simply is being held back (retarded) by whom if not itself? Perhaps the 'god' which created us has been busy around the galaxy fine tuning this experiment (if that is where you lean towards) and the program is nearly complete.

A Battle?

So there is a battle being waged on whatever level feels right to you but I don't believe that is is an 'all out war' (must lose war speak). I believe that we are being 'contained', for the knowledge we hold could upset the balance of our galaxy, which may be experiencing the same 'pangs' of universal growth as we are. Multiple planets or dimensions, take your pick, but for me, this is happening on levels we cannot yet comprehend and that the Earth is like the proverbial 'swing state'. This growth of awareness and LOVE is what the controllers want to contain - for it may change everything.

In going with one theory - this growth goes against the mentalities which we seem to enshrine: war, stature, wealth, property, competition etc. at all levels and threatens the species which have laid claims across the galaxy to whatever they set foot on (sounds familiar). They have infested the galaxy in similar fashion to Earth over many millenia; spreading without the consciousness of the knowledge they hold and advancing in arrogance rather than love. If creation of life is your definition of god, who do you answer to when you accomplish it? Are humans just a slave species which has been controlled throughout our know time? Are we ready to break free?

So I try to be a better human today than I was yesterday and tell myself "that is a start". Some of you may be wondering about the definition of 'human' but one realizes as time goes on that the definition changes for we are not rigid nor meant to be 'normal'; now that doesn't mean we need to feel 'special' either. What it simply means is to be - in the moment without judgment, goals, ideals or duality's (as Bruce Lee said - Like Water). It means to be capable of seeing one's self honestly without those things which we beat ourselves with.

I see the light in the form of little sparks, spread all over the globe, waiting for that moment which may be but a realization to let one's self go and stop being the slave that 'life' (sociologically speaking) dictates and live without the boundaries and constraints instilled upon humanity. Do you see that happening any time soon?

Freedom won't be given to humanity and neither will it be acquired forcibly; just STOP believing in external powers which in turn stops you from giving away your power. Take back your humanity or simply slide into the swamp (buzz word) and remain the savages the controllers need to exist (nice duality no?).

Believe it or not, there is a NEED for people to come TOGETHER but we must all do it INDIVIDUALLY.

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

NWO Manifesto - Condensed Version

Now, sometimes when I write it is like it just comes out of me, without thinking but this time was very different; I don't know where this really comes from. This is a new experience for me, perhaps it was my visit with the shadow people when I experienced Ayahuasca.

As we have control of everything in the world: economics, agriculture, production, transportation, media, education, governments, alimentation, health-care, technology, water, land, sea, air, space, legal systems (national and international) and we have reached a certain pinnacle of technology. It has become necessary to take steps to ensure our survival in this realm; this means we must eliminate the imminent threat and cull our herd at the same time.

This accelerated program comes as a galactic awakening is happening which must be suppressed in order for us to continue our rule in this realm; this has awakened energies which we have long thought eradicated.

With the advent of the Internet some people have voraciously absorbed information which once was secret or limited by factors which are no longer viable due to technology. Thankfully many layers of our PR defenses have been actively working to counteract whatever damage has been done with the leaks of information over the years. A strategy of confusion has been active for many years now, saturating the Internet with useless but convincing information for people to follow.

Below is a summary of the steps taken and needed in order to achieve our goal and rule for centuries to come. This awakening must not be allowed to happen and the vibration level of the people must be kept as low as possible for the next 20 years. If necessary, all out war is an option of last resort.

To do so we have chosen and have been working on the following methodologies:

Make sure the populace are trained to be reactive and confused.

Convince people that there is over population that is helping to destroy the planet and that there are 'useless eaters' amongst them.

Formulate people's consumption habits and then convince them that their consumption habits are destroying the planet.

Convince people to fear a large portion of the global population; choose those which are in the state of 'development' and easily culled without all out uproar. After having dehumanized a chosen population - war is a great way to move forward.

We have been instilling divisions within the populace for eons for us to exploit. Now we use the tactic of subdivisions which can be created if they don't already exist but what you want is people to divide themselves.

Here is a condensed list of established divisions which have been facilitated and are ready for exploitation:

Economic class
Educational status
Employment status
Geographical location
Political affiliations
Philosophical beliefs
Religious beliefs

We also use the following programmed triggers and fears when needed:

Competition - A useful tool for many different games.

Scarcity - The populace must continue to believe that there is scarcity in this world and that it is worsening for the reasons we provide.

Fear/Terror - The ultimate weapon for us - continue its use on every level possible using every possible asset. Use of false flag operations have continued to be effective in this regard in order to provide them with the 'security' which only we can provide (chuckle).

Anger/Indignation/Vengeance - The populace needs to be angry at polar opposites of the divisions which we create; does not matter which side they choose.

Shame/Guilt - This one is great because we can get them to internalize almost anything.

Ego/Narcissism - Inflate the self importance of the people as we fill them with our information. Make sure to include Nationalism/Patriotism triggers which elevate war.

Ignorance - what they don't know can't hurt us; keep them that way. When possible, keep them in binary thought patterns.

Tools at our disposal:

Media - Media has done an exceptional job over the years of keeping the people divided, consuming and distracted while helping to steer people towards the skills which we desired at that time. The media's job (with the new additions) is to continue with a focus on division at whatever level available at that moment. Social media is a great tool for this as it keeps the people less capable of focusing on issues for long periods of time; fill them with trolls and useful idiots.

Education - Education has always been used in order to instill a basic knowledge in order to be productive while instilling a respect for authority - keep using this strategy whilst increasing the authority program using fear and coercion. Making education mandatory over the years and for profit has been genius on many levels; one such example would be that people which are, in essence, ignorant will feel themselves elevated by stature and assumed intelligence which shall easily deflect any thinking which is outside the sphere of current and accepted 'knowledge'.

Surveillance - Use this to fish out the threats and also to instill a level of nervousness within the psyche; keeping the vibration level low. Use to gather blackmail material and 'leak' information to create general 'unease'.

Stooges - Of this there has never been a lack of. Reward compliance and 'normal' thought while vilifying 'abnormal' behavior and it will take care of itself.

Law - Over the decades, we have limited what the populace can do without our permission and coerced compliance through levees and fines (fear). Accelerate this policy while protecting the actions of our enforcers; this will widen the gap in the 'us vs. them' mentality instilled in the enforcers.

Language - infiltrate and replace while twisting meaning and redefine - eg. "tolerance" used as acceptance of immigrants - use words which can induce a negative association in the subconscious. The language of war is essential in every day life and people must be convinced that they control how they speak; let them think that a debate is a discussion. eg. the New Age community using 'Spiritual Warrior' still fits in nicely with the agenda. If it is about vibration levels, keep them low. Keep people on edge by constantly devolving the language so that people not only find it difficult to express but also to listen and understand.

Methodology for ensuring low vibration:

Keep them Reacting - keep the populace as reactionary as possible as this will ensure the impossibility of actual thought and they will remain easy to lead down whichever path we choose.

Target the family - we have always instilled division within the family unit through subtle ploys and techniques to make people believe that embarking on our adventure (chuckle) at the ripe age of 18 was the adult thing to do. Now create economic strife which will force the children of those which left at 18 to remain longer and with the right amount of prodding from our other resources, shall create an atmosphere of unease (overstaying one's welcome).

Property - Keep letting people believe that they own a part of our planet which they purchased with our money. The threat of losing this property has always been great leverage. Always make some lose it all so as to instill some fear in the others. They know that they own nothing unless we let them.

Enforcement - Quelling revolt and controlling workers while convincing the populace that they were there to 'protect and serve' was a great start for our enforcement program. Now go out and fill the ranks with the most pliable of minds with the least amount of intellect which has run through the enhanced authority education and fill them with fear of the populace; they must feel that there is potential peril with every public encounter; make them edgy and reactive.

Invoke Historical Fears - Conjuring images from the past is a great way to use many emotional triggers; keep hammering away at the holocaust program and watch them yell 'Hitler', almost on command.

Project External Enemies - In order to put on a really good show for our cull, we need war, make sure there are always enemies to do battle with; war must be accepted as the only option.

Alimentation - poison their food so that we may learn and prepare for diseases which may affect our longevity as well as ensure short life spans; a good way to induce sterilization methods as well as through pharmaceuticals. Their malnourished bodies will not be capable of dealing with the sicknesses which we unleash.

We have been suppressing awakenings for generations with great success, this one will be no different.

Waking Times: The New World Order Manifesto

Spanish Translation: Thank You José Manuel Goig   El Manifesto del Nuevo Orden Mundial

Audio version as I heard it my mind here.

Monday, January 23, 2017

My Thoughts on Feminism

I saw this image and it made me think of this whole feminism thing which I have noticed.

This image made me think because woman is universe (humanly speaking). There is no life without woman; even the richest and most evil was born of woman.

Men have hated and been jealous of this for centuries and the history speaks for itself but do not dwell too much on the history of the winners nor carry the torch for past generations; carry the torch for you, for NOW. Fight because you KNOW what you are fighting for.

Are you fighting for rights which have been eroded over decades if not centuries which affect everyone?

Are you fighting for equality for all, not just the division of the sexes?

Are you fighting for a saner, healthier way of life which is in balance with humanity and nature with an evolutionary path instead of a stagnant cycle?

It is told that women are softer, more lenient than men. Are you fighting to be harder and harsher?

It is said that women are kinder than men. Are you fighting for equality to be mean?

I have heard that a "woman president would never launch a nuclear war". Are you fighting to prove that she would?

The main way to divide humanity is through the most basic difference - sex. What better way to begin the mechanisms of control than by encouraging the most basic of divisions throughout our lives. Don't forget that there were also well treated woman (equal) throughout history, they just don't fit the agenda for you to know about them.

Don't you think that instead of fighting to be like men, it would be more productive to help us become better men for the women that you are; for the society which could be? Do we need to fight for further sub-divisions of our most basic division? Where is the sanity in that? Be who you believe you are but leave others out of it; don't push divisions down their throats.

Would it not be better to fight along side of us against the system itself which creates, manipulates, encourages, sells, advertises and just plain brainwashes the population into accepting that "sex sells" on so many levels that there really are no 'defenses' for it as it permeates our entire beings. It must be firstly exposed and dismantled then replaced with something saner, more humane. There is no pride in bearing witness to the pornification of life.

Power is fleeting, subject to many things and also the projection of impotent beings but woman will always be woman. Why would you want to be equal to such inferior beings? The only POWER which is held is that over the entire human race and it begins with division starting at its most obvious. If the division is locked in at that level, how many other divisions do you subscribe to? Control is only obtained through acquiescence and acceptance of an 'authority'; what will you fight for?

Perhaps it is true that LOVE will save us in the end but that does not necessarily mean 'love thy neighbor', it may simply mean do not harbor animosity towards others; at least we could begin from there and break the shackles of division.